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The Assembly of the Croatian Audit Chamber consists of certified auditors.

The Assembly of the Chamber is the highest body of the Croatian Audit Chamber. The composition and powers of the Assembly are prescribed by Article 105. of the Audit Act (Official Gazette no. 127/17):

  1. adopting the Statute of the Croatian Audit Chamber and other general acts within the jurisdiction of the Assembly of the Croatian Audit Chamber
  2. making a decision on the contribution rate and the amount of the membership fee with the prior approval of the Ministry of Finance
  3. determining the prices of services performed by the Croatian Audit Chamber
  4. electing the members of the Administrative Council, the president of the Croatian Audit Chamber, and members of other bodies determined by the Statute
  5. determining the work plan and program, financial plan, and annual report on the work of the Croatian Audit Chamber and approving financial statements
  6. deciding on other issues determined by the Statute.

Certified auditors have one vote each in decision-making at the Assembly of the Croatian Audit Chamber. 
The regular session of the Assembly is held once a year, and the Administrative Council may, according to its decision, convene an extraordinary session of the Assembly.