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Pursuant to Article 26 of the Statute of the Chamber, the Committee for the Supervision of Financial Operations consists of three members, elected by the Assembly. The members elect a president from among themselves.
The Committee is obliged to review the Chamber's financial operations and financial statements at least once every six months and submit a report on this to the Administrative Council. The Committee submits an activity report at the regular annual Assembly of the Chamber.
The Administrative Council, the President of the Chamber, the Executive director and other bodies of the Chamber are obliged to provide the Committee for the Supervision of Financial Operations with the necessary information for the purpose of supervision.

The current members of the Committee for the Supervision of Financial Operations are:

Koraljka Soušek
president of the Comittee for the Supervision of Financial operations

elected on December 18, 2018 

Davorka Briški
memeber of the Comittee for the Supervision of Financial operations

elected on December 15, 2022

Đurđica Stilin
memeber of the Comittee for the Supervision of Financial operations

elected on December 15, 2022